The Christy Award: The Way It Should Be Won!

You guys, this is one of the craziest things that has ever happened to me. I was in no way expecting to win. In fact, I hadn’t even thought about what I’d say until a few minutes before the announcement. I mean, here I am, still shocked that I was a Christy Award finalist.
Tamara Alexander, yes that Tamara Alexander, was the presenter for my category. She started reading the first line, and I felt very confused because that was the first line of my book, and the other two books were written by Amanda Dykes and Charles Martin. Seriously, they are amazing writers. I’m not sure of all that happened next. There were tears and a goofy look from me. I’m told Chris Fabry, yet another amazing author, laughed a lot. Apparently I’m very entertaining when I’m stunned.
Hopefully I thanked everyone because I am truly thankful to all of you.
This is the kind of honor I hope I never take for granted. It joins many others like being a mom, a wife, a believer, and an author. Life isn’t always mountaintops. We all go through valleys, some deeper than others. But, friends, don’t forget about the beautiful moments you’ve had. Let those memories be a reminder that there are more great times to come.
Looking for another read? Try What Happens Next.
Dana Carrier
Many congratulations, Christina! I am so happy for you.
Thank you so much.