Adventures into the 30s – hair
I’ve been working on a scene that involves the main character styling her hair. After reading about the process, I realized that I’d need to actually have this experience to be able to put it on the page.
This is what I usually look like:
Here’s me as I waited for my hair to be perfectly dry. The instructions were very clear that this step should not be rushed. I learned later that this would have been a good thing to do before bed. I also learned (relearned) that I have no patience.
While I waited for the pinned up curls to dry, I went to work on my kitchen. It struck me as I was scrubbing a shelf that this is a fairly authentic experience. My family lives in a farmhouse built in 1898. We still have some open shelves where modern houses would have closed cupboards. On my shelves you’ll find an old-fashion coffee grinder and a series of clamp-top canning jars.
Hours later I finally released my hair from those obnoxious pins. The result…disappointing. I didn’t look a think like the pictures in vintage magazines. If I had been a young woman in the 1930s, I may have shaved my head and worn a wig. At least I’d have had it cut shorter and without layers. I actually had to pin back some of my hair for the picture.
So there you go. Not all adventures in research are successful. I think I’ll look into hats next.
Gala night at ACFW St. Louis
A few the lovely women I sat with during the ACFW Gala
Kim Moore (editor for Harvest House)
Terri Haynes
Kimberly Buckner (one of my fabulous critique partners)
Julie Klassen (Julie was the first person I met at my very first ACFW conference. She was also the first familiar face I saw when I approached the hotel this year. Thanks, Julie!)
Heidi Main
St. Louis
Here I am again! This is my fourth ACFW conference and each one is better than the last. Well, almost better. I miss having Jodie Bailey and Donna Moore here with me. It would be hard to beat last year when four out of five of our critique group were together.
St. Louis is a marvelous city. I rode in on the Metrolink Wednesday night and got to walk six blocks to my hotel. The architecture here is amazing. I can see the St. Louis Arch from my hotel room window.
One of the best things about conference is “hugging the necks” of friends I only get to see once a year. By the way, that’s a Jodie term so I felt the quotation marks were an appropriate tribute. I am so blessed!
Well, I’m off to another appointment. Have a great day!
Me Against My Inbox
This morning I read a great post by Mary DeMuth. Her topic was clearing out your email inbox. I love the idea, but unfortunately the Hotmail demons have me fixed as their main target. You see, last year I had my inbox in pristine condition, then those aforementioned email demons pulled every piece of electronic mail ever sent to me from whatever land deleted emails live in and put each one back into my inbox. Yep, there were thousands. You may or may not believe this, but I managed to clean up the mess (over many weeks). Here’s the thing, a couple months ago they all came back again. It’s like Dickens keeps sending the ghost of emails past to visit me.
So what am I suppose to learn here? Do I try again? Thanks for listening to my silly ramble. Suggestion appreciated.
Visit http://www.marydemuth.com/2011/06/become-an-email-jedi-in-7-steps/ to read what Mary DeMuth had to say. Sorry, WordPress wouldn’t let me link it to her name. Hm, maybe technology has it out for me.