Writing for the Fame of it?
Funny, huh? Seriously…How many writers would you recognize if they walked by you? If I wasn’t a writer, I think my answer would be somewhere around four, maybe five. And really, I think that’s higher than average. Correct me if I’m wrong.
I often read Rachelle Gardner’s blog. Her “Why Pursue Publishing” post really got me thinking. Why do I pursue publishing? It is definitely NOT for the fame.
As with many who commented on that post, I think affirmation is a major reason I seek publication. I work hard. This isn’t just a fun way to pass the extra minutes while I wait for kids to finish at practice, or an excuse to delegate the dishes.
Writing is tough. It keeps me up at night pondering how a character will react to what I have in store for them. It puts a dent in my shoulder where I sling my giant laptop case, often causing me to walk like I’m in the Crooked Man’s house. Do you have any idea how much stress comas add to my life?
But it’s more than affirmation.
For me, it’s the chance to allow a reader to be lost in a story for 300 plus pages, and emerge at the end with a renewed sense of hope.
And…I don’t think I could stop if I wanted to.
If you’re a writer, why do you write?
If you’re a reader, what do you want from a book?
Conference Season – Part 7 – Blue Ridge
Jodie Bailey is here just in time to tell us about the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.
Okay, I admit it. If I had the funds, I would be a conference junky. It’s likely that “conference season” would find me all over this country at every single workshop I could soak up. There’s just something about the air at a good conference, something that gives you a shot of oxygen and gets you excited and pushes you through on those days when it feels like writing is the hardest job in the world.
The first conference I ever attended was the 2009 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. And I went right by my little lonesome self, making the drive from west-central Georgia to the North Carolina mountains with only God and my iPod for company. The drive itself was amazing, but God started working on me right about the time I hit the NC border.
See, one of the reasons I was going to Blue Ridge was to meet Chip MacGregor, and that scared the fool out of me. I wanted to query him, but first I wanted to meet him. Why waste both of our time querying if I couldn’t even talk to him? From his blog, I knew he pulled no punches, and I knew I needed that. As I was driving and praying and singing, God suddenly said, “Don’t pitch.”
Do WHAT? I just paid all of this money and am driving all of this way NOT to pitch to anybody? Surely, God’s lost His mind, right?
But the further I drove the more I knew, He wanted me to keep my mouth shut. He wanted me to lay aside ever expectation I had and go in there ready for anything, not focused on a goal, just to let Him have all of the control.
So, I did. And I had an amazing week. There was no pressure, no stressing about a sit-down with anybody. There was total freedom to be me, to speak when I wanted, to observe as much as I felt the need… See, I had never sat in a room full of writers before. After the very first hour, I called my husband and yelled, “I have found my people!” There’s something about learning you are not crazy, that other people get dragged out of bed in the middle of the night because their characters won’t pipe down. There are other people who stare at a computer screen all day and talk to imaginary voices. I was in heaven. I met people who were instantly my friends, simply because we “got” each other without even speaking. It was amazing!
And it wasn’t just the people. That conference center is a total retreat. You’re up in the mountains in these beautiful rooms with no TV. And it’s quiet. (They do an Autumn in the Mountains retreat that I want to do, by the way…) It was a beautiful recharge, a stepping out of everything and into the writing life, fully immersed. Talk about charging your batteries!
I did get to sit down at an appointment with Chip at that conference, but I asked questions. I never pitched. My heart was about learning and not about selling. It felt good to have someone who knew what they were doing walk me through the good and bad of my proposal and my premise, to point out what worked and what needed help. (I did manage to throw a pen at his head by accident. Trust me, that could ONLY happen to me…) Many months later, I did land at MacGregor Literary with Sandra Bishop who, like Chip, pulls no punches when it comes to telling me what works and what doesn’t. God knew exactly what He was doing.
If you’re going to your first conference, go with God’s leading. I honestly think one of the best things to do is to just go and be. Enjoy being with people who are just as “alien” as you are. That was the best thing I got out of Blue Ridge, being with “my people.” Oh, the classes knocked my head around they were so awesome, but the people won my heart and are the reason I’ll go back.
Jodie Bailey is an avid reader, a life-long writer, and an aspiring beach bum. She is a stubborn child who resisted God’s calling for two decades until He hit her over the head with a Beth Moore Bible Study book, and she finally figured out He wanted her to be a writer. When not tapping away at the keyboard, she watches NCIS reruns, eats too many chocolate chip cookies, wishes she were at the beach, roughhouses with her daughter, and follows her Army husband around the country. Jodie’s debut novel, Freefall, will be released by Steeple Hill LIS in November 2012
Conference Season – Part 2 – Lisa Buffaloe – ACFW
Conference Season – Part 3 – Angela Breidenbach – INCWC
Conference Season – Part 4 – Kimberly Buckner – My Book Therapy retreats
Conference Season – Part 6 – Mount Hermon
Today we’re joining Karen Barnett for an insider’s view of the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference.
After the evening session, I hurried to my room and grabbed my laptop, making a beeline for the lounge—I wanted to check my e-mail before turning in for the night. I sank down into a soft chair by a crackling fire. Within moments, the room began to fill. Before I knew what was happening, authors Mary DeMuth and Randy Ingermanson sat on either side of me, talking about their journeys to publication and offering me hope and encouragement. Other published writers joined the circle, aspiring writers ambled in, an agent sat down, an editor pulled up a chair. My laptop lapsed into screensaver mode, long forgotten. Jokes flew, stories were shared, and laughter ruled the evening.
Why is the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference special? Where else can you kick up your feet and feel at home while surrounded by the best in the business?
Here are the top ten things I love about Mount Hermon.
1. Beautiful Location—The Conference Center is situated in the California redwoods, not far from Santa Cruz. When you step out of a stressful appointment or an intense workshop, you walk out into beauty that refreshes the spirit. God uses those moments to remind me He is in control.
2. Casual atmosphere—Casual dress rules the day. You can leave your high heels and business suits at home. Most registrants wear jeans and slacks, layered t-shirts and sweaters. I like to pack scarves and fun jewelry pieces to dress up the casual look.
3. Unparalleled access to editors/agents—Lunch and dinner tables are hosted by faculty members, including agents, publishers, magazine editors, and published authors. It’s like a back door into the publisher’s office. The host keeps the conversation flowing around the table, speaking to each person and asking about their writing. If they’re interested in your project, they might request an appointment or ask to see your proposal. Good-bye slush pile!
4. Speaking of meals—Mount Hermon’s are the BEST. Ask anyone.
5. Pre-conference submissions—You are encouraged to send two copies of your proposal ahead to the conference, either to published writers for critique or to editors/agents for review. There are also opportunities during the conference to have your work critiqued on the spot by a member of the critique team. This is all included in the cost of registration.
6. Major morning tracks—Morning tracks are classes that you follow for the entire conference to receive in-depth instruction on the subject of your choice. The tracks vary, but they generally include classes for fiction, non-fiction, public speaking, magazine writing, and social media. Specialized tracks are offered for teens interested in writing, for beginners (Head-Start, actually held before the conference), and for published writers (career track—by application). Personally, I love the intermediate mentoring tracks. You pay a few dollars extra, but the class size is limited and you get personalized teaching based on your needs.
7. Afternoon workshops—With forty workshops to attend, how do you choose? (I decided not to stress out about it and bought the CD recordings for the ones I missed).
8. Trend-spotting—One of my favorite parts of the conference are the panel discussions. This is a fantastic time to find out what is selling, where publishing is heading in the future and which of these individuals you would most like to work with.
9. Casual conversations—From the moment you board the airport shuttle to the moment you leave, God arranges divine appointments. An editor might not hand you the rich-and-famous contract, but you might meet a favorite author and become friends. You might have a casual discussion at a table that leads to a magazine article (true story). You might catch someone’s airplane during an ice-breaker or get lost with someone on the hike to the cross… and make a friend for the long writer’s journey ahead. And like I said earlier, some of the best conversations happen after hours.
10. Confirmation of the Call—The first time I went to Mount Hermon, I hesitated calling myself a writer. Attending this conference taught me is that YES, I AM a writer—without question. God has a call on my life. Each year I go back, I feel it anew. The conference at Mount Hermon gives me the energy I need to make it through another year.
The Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference is held every year over Palm Sunday weekend, so add it to your calendar for next year: March 22-26, 2013.
Karen Barnett writes historical romance for the Christian market and has been published in Guideposts, Ladybug and Babybug magazines. She lives in Albany, Oregon with her husband, two kids and a houseful of pets including a dachshund who loves to chew up her daughter’s dance slippers. When she is not writing, Karen enjoys hiking, photography, leading worship with her church’s children’s ministry and decorating outlandish birthday cakes for her kids. She blogs at “Cannot Be Shaken” found at http://www.cannotbeshaken.
blogspot.com. Don’t miss next week. It’s our final installment with Jodie Bailey sharing about Blue Ridge
Conference Season – Part 2 – Lisa Buffaloe – ACFW
Conference Season – Part 3 – Angela Breidenbach – INCWC
Conference Season – Part 4 – Kimberly Buckner – My Book Therapy retreats
Conference Season – Part 5 – Christina Tarabochia – OCW
How Pinterest is Threatening My Life
If you haven’t joined the world of Pinterest yet, you’ve probably still seen the snapshots of tasty treats on Facebook. It’s like the devil himself tempting me in one of my most vulnerable spots…my stomach. Seriously, chocolate chip cookies with a warm, melted Rolo inside. I’ll admit, I’ve made them…twice. And they were even better than the picture!
And then there are the pretzel crusted brownies. My daughter and her friend made these bad boys. WOW!
They say obesity is threatening our lives. Pinterest is a cause of obesity. You do the math.
I can hear you all saying, “But what about all the healthy recipes?”
I’ve seen them. But…I’m yet to make any of these. After all, I’m full from the brownies and cookies.
There are some non-calorie perks to Pinterest. I’ve started a board for a few of my manuscripts, and it’s great fun to find things my characters would see or love and pin them to the board. The other day I stumbled upon a chair that would delight Ruth! I think I’ll give it to her. I’m a writer…I can do that.
Pop on over to my Pinterest page and take a look for yourself. Then come back and let me know how you survived.