  • Giveaways

    Celebrating My Birthday and Election Day!



    I have always loved election day. Those years when the election falls on my birthday have been my favorites. That was, until this year. My voting excitement dimmed as the country tore it’s citizens apart and fights broke out where free speech should have been embraced. In fact, I’ve been dreading my election birthday this year. But today I took my ballot to the drop box in front of the courthouse. I was one of many, a constant flow of Americans with ballots in hand, and a bit of my faith was restored.

    I didn’t care who they voted for, only that they had the freedom to cast their ballots.

    Who wins the presidential election is less important than how we treat each other.

    It matters that we love without that being dependent on our agreement. We can choose if we will allow the election to separate us from others, or if we’ll learn to serve our communities with our neighbors no matter what their political affiliations.

    So, let’s celebrate! I’ll be giving away the mug and chocolates, in the picture above, to one of my subscribers. Check out the link at the right side of this page. The winner will be drawn randomly at noon on November 19th.

    All subscribers who share this blog will be entered twice into the drawing! Leave a comment or send me a message to make sure I catch your share.

    The winner is Heidi G.







  • ramble

    A Little Bit of Wisdom!



    It’s my birthday! I love birthdays. There’s been a lot of teasing around here about getting older and falling apart, but let’s face it, forty isn’t old. Okay, it’s not young either. Forty is the perfect middle ground. I’m old enough that I’ve collected a bit of wisdom (just a bit). And I’m young enough that I still feel like I can do anything!


    One thing that’s really encouraged me lately is how happy my fifty year old friends seem. I take that to mean the next ten years could easily be the best of my life!


    I’ve been pondering what I’ve learned so far. Here’s the beginning of my list.


    1. It’s best to stay away from drama. The problem is, drama works very hard to draw in an audience.
    2. History is much more exciting than we were led to believe in high school.
    3. Time spent in prayer is never wasted.
    4. Cats can be wonderful companion…but they also vomit.
    5. Persistence is key.
    6. Persistence must be tempered with patience.
    7. Bruises don’t fade as fast when you’re forty.
    8. One should be very careful when walking into the garage. You could fall and get a big bruise.
    9. When you give forgiveness, you set yourself free.
    10. I can choose to be happy by focusing on my blessings.


    Leave a comment and tell us what grains of wisdom you’ve collected.


    Thanks for reading!


    Image: Rawich / FreeDigitalPhotos.net